Give Lively Product Design
At Give Lively, we're proud to provide free best-in-class fundraising software to the nonprofit community. Since 2019, I have been working with Give Lively as the sole Product & UX designer to ensure our tools are beautiful and easy to use.
Staging Portal
Nonprofit members have access to a staging server, where they may test integrations, make draft pages, and explore the platform generally. Prior to my design, its appearance was identical to the live server. This resulted in a large number of cases where users were not sure which server they were using and would accidentally add completed work to the staging site. For this project, I added a minimal amount of design to help visually distinguish our staging environment. This included a secondary color palette, a persistent alert, and a background pattern. I chose yellow color and blue grid lines to make the pages feel like they were under construction, or perhaps in a notebook.
Adding New Users
Early in my career at Give Lively, one of our most-requested features was to allow multiple users to access one nonprofit organization's account. This design is for an interface to invite, view, and remove colleagues' access to the administrative interface.